5th International Academy of Autoimmunity

We are very proud to invite you to the 5th International Academy of Autoimmunity 2019, which will be an international teaching event in the beautiful and historical city of Warsaw, Poland this 13-15 December 2019. In our global scientific community today, knowledge and collaboration continue to cross all boundaries and so, we would like to further the exchange in the field of autoimmunity. Our goal is to deliver the knowledge and the latest updates on Autoimmunity from the leading International specialists in the field – to the physicians and researchers in Poland. With Warsaw in the heart of Poland and Poland in the heart of Europe, it is not surprising that the capital city has developed into one of the continent’s prime scientific destinations. It is a common meeting place for scientific conferences in this part of the continent. Many institutions and organisations from Central and Eastern Europe have their offices in Warsaw, which has naturally led to a never-ending river of ideas and innovations.

Simultaneous translation from English to Polish will be provided
Yehuda Shoenfeld

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld is the founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, at the Sheba Medical Center which is affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine in Tel-Aviv University, in Israel. His clinical and scientific works focus on autoimmune and rheumatic diseases, and he has published more than 1800 papers and written more than three hundred and fifty chapters in books and has authored and edited 40 books, some of which became cornerstones in science and clinical practice.

Yehuda Shoenfeld
Maria Maslinska

Maria Maslinska is the Deputy Head of the Early Arthritis Clinic of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation in Warsaw. She has received the Third-Degree Group Award of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw. Maria Maslinska is also a member of the Polish Society for Rheumatology and Vice -president of the Polish Union of the Physician-Writers. She is the author and co-author of scientific publications, articles and book chapters and a lecturer at many conferences for general practitioners and rheumatologists.

Maria Maslinska
Abul Abbas

Abul K. Abbas received his medical degree in India, completed training in Pathology at Harvard and joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he rose to become Professor of Pathology and Head of the Immunology Research Division. He has published over 190 peer-reviewed papers and invited reviews, and is the author of four widely read textbooks. He has taught Immunology at Harvard Medical School and UCSF and has organized and conducted Immunology courses worldwide.

Abul Abbas

Join us this 13-15 December 2019 for an inspiring atmosphere of medical science mixed with the magical surroundings of a dynamic and forward‑looking, constantly changing and always offering great potential for the future city of Warsaw. 5th International Academy of Autoimmunity 2019 offers you the chance to combine science, medicine, art, and pleasure, and we look forward to welcoming you to the capital of Poland.

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